Welcome to the Department of Chicana/o Studies!

For general inquiries please contact us at chidept@ucdavis.edu or 530-752-2421, M-Th, 9:00 a.m.-4 p.m.  (PT).
For advising appointments, please use appointments.ucdavis.edu or contact Alma Martinez (almartinez@ucdavis.edu).


To view our upcoming course offerings for each term go to the Major/Minor tab.  (See the bottom of the page.)
You may contact Charrise at cmtorres@ucdavis.edu with any questions. 



Taller Arte del Nuevo Amanecer (TANA) is a collaborative partnership between the Chicana/o Studies Program at the University of California, Davis and the greater Woodland community. TANA offers a fully functioning silkscreen studio, Chicano/Latino Arts exhibition space, and a teaching center for the arts. Through exhibiting, printing, and teaching, TANA cultivates the cultural and artistic life of the community, viewing the arts as essential to a community's development and wellbeing.

The Chicana/o Studies Department at the University of California, Davis has a history of scholarship and promotion of community health and empowerment. TANA is a continuation of this history, developing an authentic and organic link between UC Davis and the greater Woodland community. The City of Woodland is the most natural partner for the community-based arts instruction and scholarship offered through Chicana/o Studies at UC Davis. The human resources from the community of Woodland and institutional resources from UC Davis will collectively promote the role of art and culture as a viable community-building strategy.

There are four primary elements to TANA:

- Gallery and Exhibition Space
- Taller Classes and Community Arts Workshops
- Art and Graphic Design Services
- The Atelier

To view more information about TANA, please visit their website at: http://tana.ucdavis.edu/

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