Welcome to the Department of Chicana/o Studies!

For general inquiries please contact us at chidept@ucdavis.edu or 530-752-2421, M-F, 9:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m.  (PT).
For advising appointments, please use appointments.ucdavis.edu or contact Alma Martinez (almartinez@ucdavis.edu).


The academic year 2024-25 course schedule is viewable on Major/Minor tab.  (Bottom of the page.)

Department of Chicana/o Studies
UC Davis
2102 Hart Hall
One Shields Ave
Davis, CA 95616

Hours: Monday-Thursday 9am-4pm

Phone: (530) 752-2421

Fax: (530) 752-8814

Email: chidept@ucdavis.edu